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Beechcraft King Air Conference On Track To Be An Event Remembered


Beechcraft King Air Conference On Track To Be An Event Remembered

This summer, in yet another fantastic demonstration of strength and innovation in what seems to be an ever-growing record of such, Beechcraft announced they would be hosting the 2013 Beechcraft King Air Conference in Wichita, Kansas.

2013 Beechcraft King Air Conference

The event, dubbed “The Gathering of Kings,” is an invitation-only event for owners/operators of King Air, and is set to be held September 18 – September 20.  The purpose of the event is to bring in as many King Air owners and operators as possible and allow them to meet and listen to presentations from some of the leading companies and individuals in the King Air industry.

If you’ve already signed up for this event, you are in for a real treat.  The first day will kick off with a Sporting Clays event at Michael Murphy & Sons, followed by a Golf Tournament at Sand Creek Golf Club.  After that, you’ll get an amazing opportunity to tour Plant IV, a nearly 500,000 sq. ft. Beechcraft facility where the King Air is designed, built, and prepared for delivery, among other aircraft such as the Baron and Bonanza.  And if that wasn’t enough for a great first day, after the tour you’ll go to the welcome reception & BBQ, where you’ll hang out, listen to live music, and check out the exhibits, which will be opening up at this time.

Days two and three are jam packed with events.  You’ll have the chance to listen to many keynote sessions from some of the top King Air guys from Beechcraft, as well as presentations from some of the leading companies in the King Air industry.  Day three also offers another opportunity to tour Plant IV!

Beechcraft King Air Conference RegistrationYou may have seen the ad for the Beechcraft King Air Conference on the sidebar of our website in recent weeks, and we are so excited to say that this amazing event is just around the corner!  In fact, there are only 24 spots remaining and registration ends in 3 days, so get to it!  You can register at http://kingairconference.com.

If you aren’t able to attend, you can still follow us to get the latest news during the event!  You can also follow the official hashtag on Twitter: #KAConf.