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Blackhawk, Raisbeck, BLR Join Forces for LABACE


Blackhawk, Raisbeck, BLR Join Forces for LABACE

KingAir B200 - Sunset

With LABACE just around the corner, many key players in the KingAir market are announcing their plans for attending the show.  Among the recent announcements is a partnership between Blackhawk Modifications, BLR, and Raisbeck Engineering in order to create a one-stop exhibit (#5005) for their KingAir upgrades packages.  The three companies are well-known throughout the KingAir market for their upgrades that bring more power, more efficiency, and less cost to KingAir owners and operators.  The three companies’ products all complement each other, so it makes perfect sense that the companies would decide to do one exhibit together.

Blackhawk Modifications and Raisbeck Engineering will be promoting their new joint marketing effort called the “Blackhawk EPIC XPR Series” package.  The effort focuses on promoting the complementary benefits of their respective product lines for the KingAir 200 family.

The EPIC XPR package consists of the Blackhawk XP Engine Upgrade Package which utilizes PT6A -52 or -61 engines, and the Raisbeck EPIC PLATINUM Package, which includes Swept Blade Turbofan Propellers, Enhanced Performance Leading Edges, Dual Aft Body Strakes, Ram Air Recovery System and High Flotation Gear Doors (if the aircaft is HFG-equipped). Crown Wing Lockers are optional.

The combination of Raisbeck’s EPIC PLATINUM Performance Package with Blackhawk’s -52 or -61 Engine Upgrade Package adds an amazing level of performance to the KingAir 200. The synergy of the combined systems gives operators the following benefits:

  • Shorter takeoff and landing distances
  • FAA-Certified Balanced Field Lengths (BFL) for added safety
  • Increased climb rates and cruise speeds
  • Quieter cabin and cockpit (sound levels below OSHA standards, permitting talking at normal conversation levels)
  • Proven resale value
  • State of-the-art Pratt & Whitney engine technology with a corresponding warranty


Raisbeck’s Director of Marketing, Caitlin O’Keefe, comments on the partnership, “The Blackhawk-Raisbeck EPIC XPR package adds tremendous value to 200-Series King Airs. This program has already been implemented on many aircraft and we have seen compelling results based on FAA-Certified performance data—plus the smiles on our customers’ faces following their first flight after installation.”

Blackhawk’s Vice President of International Sales Bobby Patton comments, “For decades, Raisbeck and Blackhawk have done a great job identifying, developing and bringing to market performance upgrades that expand every reason to own and operate a King Air. There is a natural performance-based synergy between our two companies. This teaming agreement will give King Air operators a gateway to make their decision to fly with the latest and greatest airframe and engine technology much easier. We are pleased to work with Raisbeck to continue making a positive contribution towards the legacy of the King Air.”

For more information on the EPIC XPR package and global installation centers near you, please contact Blackhawk (+1 254-755-6711, sales@blackhawk.aero) or Raisbeck Engineering (+1 206-723-2000, info@raisbeck.com).