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Enter to WIN a Garmin D2 Pilot Watch from KingAirNation!


Enter to WIN a Garmin D2 Pilot Watch from KingAirNation!

FREE Garmin D2 Watch Giveaway

Howdy Nation!

Some of you may have seen a post we made on Facebook yesterday, and you may have already entered to win!  High fives!  We’ve been overwhelmed by the response we have already received since just yesterday evening!

To make things a bit more formal, we wanted to make an official post here on KingAirNation with some of the details of what we are doing and how you can be a part of this giveaway.

First off, we are conducting a 2014 Survey from our readership.  By taking about 5 minutes to take this 10 question survey, you do two awesome things.  First, you help KingAirNation become even better for you and everyone else who loves the KingAir!  Secondly, you automatically get entered to win a FREE Garmin D2 Pilot Watch ($449 Value)!

The survey will be available until Friday, February 7, at 11:59pm (CST).  One entry per person; your chances of winning do not increase with multiple entries.  The winner will be notified through the provided email within 3 weeks.  A huge thanks to Garmin and B&S Aircraft for sponsoring this giveaway!

To take the survey, visit http://bit.ly/KANsurvey

Garmin D2 Pilot WatchIn case you’re unfamiliar with this watch, here are a few specs:
-Has Direct-to and Nearest buttons that use a worldwide airport database
-Altimeter with adjustable baro setting and compass
-Displays multiple time zones with Zulu/UTC reference
-Various timers and vibrating alerts for inflight task reminders
-Wirelessly receives flight plan from Garmin Pilot and controls VIRB

You can read all the specs by visiting this link: https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/in-the-air/portable-gps/d2-/prod148289.html