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First Customer Installation and Flight of Raisbeck King Air C90 Swept Blade Turbofan Props


First Customer Installation and Flight of Raisbeck  King Air C90 Swept Blade Turbofan Props

Beech King AirJanuary 31, 2014 – Seattle, Wash. – Deliveries of the Raisbeck/Hartzell Swept Blade Turbofan Propellers for the Beechcraft King Air C90/E90 began January 1, 2014. Authorized Dealer, Bob Finke at International Propellers, didn’t waste any time selling the new FAA-certified props to Mike Hull, Chief Pilot of King Air C90 s/n LJ-821.

The OEM 3-blade Hartzell propellers on Hull’s King Air were due for an overhaul in January 2014. After consulting with International Propellers, Hull decided to upgrade to the Raisbeck/Hartzell Swept Blade Propellers. The installation took place at Silverhawk Aviation in Lincoln, Neb., where Hull also added Raisbeck’s Dual Aft Body Strake to complete the Raisbeck C90 EPIC Performance Package. The aircraft now has increased allowable takeoff and landing weights, improved FAA-certified takeoff and landing field length performance, higher engine operating ITTs for better climb and cruise performance, and overall quieter operations through reduced climb and cruise RPM.

King Air with Raisbeck Swept Turbofan PropellersAfter the first test flight with the new props and strakes, Mike Hull commented, “Nothing but good news: the strakes and props work absolutely perfectly! At 22,000 [feet altitude], I came back on the same power setting I normally use, except with 1750 RPM on the props with slightly warmer than normal OAT. I fly faster, quieter and probably 300% smoother. With the lack of vibration, my C90 rides more like a jet than a turboprop. Remarkable difference!”

Raisbeck Swept Turbofan Props“Bob Finke with International Propeller has a been a great long term partner for Raisbeck Engineering,” said Scott Keefe, Raisbeck’s Director of Sales.  “Bob not only understands the benefits of upgrading to the Raisbeck family of Swept Blade Turbofan Propellers rather than overhauling, and also understands how Raisbeck’s other Performance Systems and EPIC packages can enhance his customers’ aircraft.”

Bob credits his sales success to his close relationship with the entire Raisbeck team, from the owner, James Raisbeck, to the technical support staff. “Raisbeck is incredibly responsive from the start of the sales process throughout the customer’s experience,” said Finke. “Raisbeck stands behind their products—and their products work as well or often better than advertised. That is why I am proud to be an Authorized Raisbeck Dealer.”

Raisbeck continues to work closely with an elite group of more than 100 Authorized Dealers worldwide, ensuring that installations are made properly and that all customers leave boasting of better performance, stunning ramp presence and increased utility of their aircraft.

For more information about International Propellers, visit http://www.internationalpropeller.com.

Raisbeck Engineering continues in the tradition of its founder, dedicated to the improvement in performance and productivity of business and commercial aircraft through the infusion of advanced technology into in-service and new production aircraft. For more information about Raisbeck Engineering and our products, please visit http://www.raisbeck.com.