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Garmin G1000 Demo Tour for KingAir with Stevens Aviation


Garmin G1000 Demo Tour for KingAir with Stevens Aviation

KingAirNation Founder Danny Carpenter with Dave Brown, Garmin's Manager for G1000 RetrofitsEarlier this year, Stevens Aviation along with Garmin, traveled across the Southeastern United States to demonstrate the Garmin G1000® retrofit for the King Air in Garmin’s very own King Air 350.

KingAirNation connected with Dave Brown, Manager G1000 Retrofits for Garmin, at the Stevens Aviation Nashville (BNA) location just as they wrapped up their latest Demo.  “This is an excellent opportunity to show the latest in Garmin’s avionics technology and connect directly with the customers,” said Dave.  One of those customers was Kel Jones, Co-Founder and president of Executive Aviation Group.  In addition to being type-rated in the King Air 300/350, Kel has also been flying the Citation Mustang, which happens to have the G1000 installed.  Although he has a lot of flying hours with the G1000 product already, he was anxious to experience it in a King Air.  “It was really the final validation we needed to see it first hand on the demo tour,” said Jones.

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With more than twenty owners, pilots, and aircraft managers being introduced to the retrofit for the King Air during this four day tour, Andy Wilson, Stevens Aviation’s Technical Sales Representative, said, “Nothing compares to connecting directly with our customers, supporting their interests and showing the G1000 off during a flight.”

Stops on this demo tour included, Houma and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Jackson, Mississippi and Knoxville and Nashville, Tennessee.

Items demonstrated and incorporated in the G1000 retrofit for the King Air include WAAS LPV, RVSM, Safe Taxi, ADS B Compliance, Radar, Data Link Weather, Charts, not to mention 250+ lbs of weight savings and the option of Synthetic Vision.

“We can show a lot of things on the ground such as what the charts and weather look like but a flight really shows off the capability of the autopilot.  It never fails to exceed expectations by how smooth it levels off and the way it can fly,” said Brown.

Stevens Aviation and Garmin will be looking to do another G1000 Demo Tour later this year as well.  If you are interested in connecting with Stevens Aviation and Garmin on the next tour, you can contact Andy Wilson, Stevens Aviation, at 615-972-9104 or awilson@stevensaviation.com.