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Happy Thanksgiving | KingAirNation Gives Thanks


Happy Thanksgiving  |  KingAirNation Gives Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving from King Air Nation!The end of the year is a fantastic time to count your blessings, and this is exactly what our team has been doing lately.  As we reflect back on 2013, it has made us realize we had no idea how incredible the year really was.  The people, the places, the platforms and the business, we are definitely thankful.

The People

The people we’ve met this year have had a huge impact on us individually and KingAirNation as a whole.  We’ve connected with many current and former King Air owners who have shared tons of stories about why the King Air has been the best aircraft for their business and personal use.  We’ve connected with tons of operators and pilots who have shared countless experiences, their histories with different King Air models and their stories about flying all over the world.  We’ve interacted with mechanics, some with over 40 years experience working on the King Air to those who’ve just started, all with the same passion for keeping the King Air in the air and flying safe.  Any lastly, those who work in a King Air related business and those who are enthusiasts for this incredible aircraft.

The Places

Since the start of KingAirNation, we’ve had the pleasure of traveling all over the world, attending trade shows, covering King Air stories and connecting with King Air business people.  These connections and experiences are what have helped us to continue to evolve the model of KingAirNation.  We’ve traveled to S. America, Europe, Australia and domestically throughout the United States.  Additionally, we’ve had representation in Africa and Asia, covering almost all continents.

The Platforms

In the last 2 years, we have seen social media grow immensely within aviation.  Being a large part of our team backgrounds, we wanted to play a huge role in this.  This year, we’ve engaged and connected with people largely on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, and this is just the beginning.  Social media is working.  People love their “own” platforms and we’ve worked hard to bring people the King Air news through these channels.  Thanks to social media, we are now over 10,000 followers strong!

The Business

Lastly, we are thankful for this business.  To the majority of you, KingAirNation has served as a place to connect with others and find the most valuable information related to the King Air.  For us, of course, it has been a business.   A business that we are passionate about.  A business that we started from the ground up.  A business that we’ve seen connect people together and make the King Air industry better.  A business that we are proud of and excited about.

The places we’ve traveled and the people we’ve met this year, are the reasons KingAirNation is what it is today and what it will be in 2014.  We can’t wait for you to see what we have in store for the new year.  Most importantly, during this season of giving thanks, we are thankful for you!  From our team to you and your families, we wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!