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Hashtag Project: Last Week’s Spotlight: #KANdawn


Hashtag Project: Last Week’s Spotlight: #KANdawn

Last week, we ran the #KANdawn hashtag project on Instagram. We received some great pictures from everyone, and here are some of our favorites:

via @agostinilucas @e6bav8r @350_guy @dentonisms @jeanppd @kimmyannette and @_crappel
via @agostinilucas @e6bav8r @350_guy @dentonisms @jeanppd @kimmyannette and @_crappel


Join us on our Instagram @KingAirNation each week to participate in each project and share great photos of the KingAir! Here is this week’s hashtag:


If you’re not already on Instagram, join us now!  Download the app on your smartphone, follow @KingAirNation, and tag a landing shot with #KANweather!