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Instagram – The #KingAir Community Continues to Connect


Instagram – The #KingAir Community Continues to Connect

Beechcraft King Air
Instagram has quickly become another channel in the King Air market for various owners, operators, professionals and enthusiasts to connect.  Instagram is a fun way to share your life experiences by taking a picture or video, and sharing them on a variety of social networking services, such as Facebook and Twitter, in addition to the Instagram App itself.

Beechcraft King Air photoHere at KingAirNation, we set out to gather the community and create an album of the most interesting and amazing photos of the King Air.  It has been amazing connecting with people and seeing photos from literally all around the world!  Since starting Instagram ourselves in June 2012, when KingAirNation launched, we have seen almost 2,400 followers and over 34,000 likes!

Thanks to the King Air community, this social platform is continually growing daily.  The hashtag #KingAir has over 9,000 tagged photos and #KingAirNation has almost 2,400.  The Instagram App is available for iOS, Android and Windows Mobile devices.  You can also see the KingAirNation album on the web at http://instagram.com/kingairnation.

We can’t wait to see what 2014 brings on Instagram!

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