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King Air Gathering A Great Success


King Air Gathering A Great Success

From April 21st-22nd, over 60 King Air enthusiasts attended the King Air Gathering held by the King Air Society (the Beechcraft Heritage Museum’s King Air division) in the Apex hangar at Henderson Executive Airport for two incredible informative days. Top experts in the industry were on hand giving talks, seminars, and answering questions. We spoke with conference organizer Kevin Carson (of King Air Academy) this week and asked what feedback he had received. Carson mentioned one of the first questions he began receiving after the conference was “when and where is the next one?”

“One, people loved the way it was configured all in one hangar. Number two, all the sponsors and speakers were around and didn’t require wandering to visit people.” said Carson.

Time was allotted after sessions for Q&As which were very popular. Any unanswered questions could easily be addressed during break times by talking to the speakers, which as Carson mentioned, were easily accessible. A huge range of subjects were covered; including in-depth discussions concerning the ADS-B mandate to King Air maintenance tips and awareness. Friday ended with an incredible story by Jack Braly about the day Beechcraft was sold (worth the cost of the conference alone). Saturday included maintenance focused talks and an “In the Hangar and Hand On” session with a King Air detailing things to look for.

Outside, three King Air were on static display – Blackhawk 350, Sandel 200 with Avilon, and an AvFab 90. Parked on the flight line were over 30 King Air of all makes and models.

Carson mentioned he hopes to continue the small conference feel while expanding the conference next year. “A possibility will be split sessions.” he added. The strong interest in maintenance has King Air Academy also considering putting on a maintenance school in the fall for owners & operators that goes into depth concerning the King Air and costs and savings to be had.

The King Air Gathering was a highly informative and enjoyable conference and we’re looking forward to seeing it grow and develop even further in future years. Until then, enjoy these photos from the conference:

Kevin Carson addresses the crowd.
Kevin Carson addresses the crowd.
Panel discussion concerning avionics and navigation.
Panel discussion concerning avionics and navigation.


Sandel Avionics demonstrates the Sandel Avilon retrofit flightdeck.
Sandel Avionics demonstrates the Sandel Avilon retrofit flightdeck.
Paul Sneden of Global Jet Services talks with the crowd.
Paul Sneden of Global Jet Services talks with the crowd.
Hands on hangar maintenance talk. (Photo by King Air Academy)
Hands on hangar maintenance talk. (Photo by King Air Academy)
Blackhawk, Sandel, and AvFab show their King Air.
Blackhawk, Sandel, and AvFab show their King Air.
King Air as far as the eye can see.
King Air as far as the eye can see.