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KingAir F90, A Rare Bird


KingAir F90, A Rare Bird

The KingAir F90, produced only between 1979 and 1985, is the model just above the go-to entry-level C90. A total of 236 F90s and F90-1s were built, with 137 of them still on the FAA registry. For those of you keeping score, that’s 203 F90s and 33 F90-1s with 58% still officially around.

The F-90 is regarded as the hot-rod of the King Air family. It boasts two Pratt-Whitney PT6A-135 engines that propel the plane with flat-rated 750shp with 850shp take-off. The F90-1 appeared in 1983 and carries PT6A-135As, giving it 885shp take-off.

The fuselage sports a T-tail borrowed from the KingAir 200, and a 45′ 11″ wingspan from the KingAir 100. The fuselage length comes in at 39′ 10″ with a total height of 15′ 1″. With the boost from the engines the power of the F90 puts it closer to the luxurious 200 than to the C90.

Inside is seating for 10 (two crew, 8 passengers). The comfortable 54″ cabin has the Collins Avionics package with the APS-80 autopilot as standard equipment. An increase in the pressurization differential from 4.6psi to 5psi gives a sea-level cabin at 11,000 feet and a 10,000 foot cabin at 26,500 feet. With a service ceiling only slightly higher than 29,000 feet, there’s not much incentive for RVSM certification.

Unfortunately, the very things that make the F-90 attractive are the same things that sealed its fate. Though the KingAir 200 could carry 5 more passengers at a higher altitude, it could only do so at 15 knots faster. Quite possibly, rather than have the F-90s steal sales from the 200, the F-90 was discontinued.

If you manage to lay your hands on one of these birds, be prepared to drop a pretty penny. In good shape, they can run from $1.2 million to $1.35 million. However, they are still favored by many pilot-executives for their speed, performance, and luxury.

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