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KingAirNation Set to Attend EBACE 2013, Announces New Website Section for European Members


KingAirNation Set to Attend EBACE 2013, Announces New Website Section for European Members
KingAirNation Logo

Media Contacts:
J.C. Hiatt – jc@kingairnation.com/wordpress
Danny Carpenter – danny@kingairnation.com/wordpress


KingAirNation Set to Attend EBACE 2013, Announces New Website Section for European Members


GENEVA, Switzerland (May 20, 2013) – KingAirNation (KAN) today launched a new section of its website geared specifically toward providing a place where European members of KAN can visit to see all the latest KingAir news regarding Europe.  The section is labeled ‘KAN Europe’ and is now live on the website.

“More and more, we have members around Europe ask, ‘Can KAN have a section for us to see the latest news about what is happening here in Europe?’  We have been planning this for a while, and it is still going to be somewhat of a work in progress while we aggregate more European KingAir news, but we could not be happier for being able to roll out a new feature our members have been asking for.  It’s a very exciting time for us,” said Danny Carpenter, KAN Founder.

Carpenter says the company has plans to launch more sections dedicated to specific geographic regions in the future, as well as plans to incorporate more features into such sections that will greatly benefit members from around the globe.  “We have already proven to be the best place to connect with other KingAir professionals and enthusiasts since our launch last year, and now we intend to maintain that reputation.  2013 and 2014 are going to be very exciting years for both KAN and the KAN community,” Carpenter said.

The company is set to attend EBACE 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland this week, where the company can be visited at various partner booths, covering KingAir related news, information, companies, products and services.  “Be sure to find us and say hello!  We’d love to show you the new European section of the website!” says Carpenter.

The European section of the website is live and can be visited now at www.KingAirNation.com/Europe.
