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Oshkosh 2015: A Resounding Success


Oshkosh 2015: A Resounding Success

The numbers are in and are impressive. EAA has estimated attendance of AirVenture Oshkosh 2015 at approximately 550,000 people with a total attendance increase of approximately two percent over last year.

EAA Chairman Jack Pelton gave a breakdown of this year’s air show:

“AirVenture 2016 exceeded our expectations on many levels. With near-perfect weather for the entire event, we filled Wittman Regional Airport and our convention site to capacity with aircraft, campers and cars by mid-week. The depth and variety of our features and attractions ensured something for every aviation enthusiast. Whether it was the static displays and the number of ‘firsts’ at AirVenture such as the B-52, F-35, and A-350, or the packed exhibits, forums and workshops across the grounds, everyone left knowing that aviation is alive and well in Oshkosh and around the world. The spirit of aviation is strong and the culture of EAA was on full display all week.”

The attendance record was not the only thing that increased. More than 10,000 aircraft arrived at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh and other airports in east-central Wisconsin with total showplane attendance being 2,668, (up 1 percent over 2014) – including 1,031 home-built aircraft 976 vintage airplanes, 350 warbirds, 130 ultralights and light sport aircraft, 101 seaplanes, 30 rotorcraft and 50 aerobatic aircraft. 140 new commercial exhibitors were at the show, bringing the total exhibitor count to over 800. More than 75,000 people attended a total of 1,048 forum and workshop sessions.

“Our final attendance figure continues to demonstrate strong excitement and renewed optimism for the wide variety of aviation activities offered throughout the week for our members and guests,” noted Pelton. “Highlights included the very popular day and night air shows, the Apollo 13 crew presentation and the return of legendary designer Burt Rutan. The EAA Young Eagles program took delivery of ICON Aircraft’s first production A5, and the premiere of EAA’s new Aviation Gateway Park drew standing room-only crowds to investigate new aviation innovations, including exhibits and demonstrations on drone technology. On Thursday alone, there were more than 3,100 aircraft movements (takeoffs and landings) over 14 hours, the highest total in at least three years. You could sense the buzz among the attendees, exhibitors and our 5,400 volunteers whose work made the event possible.”

EAA Airventure Oshkosh 2015 also had a massive social presence this year. Total AirVenture web sessions was nearly 600,000 from around the globe. The EAA AirVenture app was downloaded over 40,000 times. Social media posts reached over 82 countries and EAA’s 1,000 photo uploads were viewed nearly million times.

EAA plans to carry that massive momentum generated into EAA Airventure 2016 which is planned to take place July 25-31, 2016. Pelton expressed enthusiasm for the future of the airshow:

“We’re not resting, as we’re already planning for 2016, with more details available as soon as they’re finalized over the coming months. There were aircraft in process that couldn’t make it this year, including Burt Rutan’s new SkiGull and B-29 ‘Doc,’ that we hope will make an appearance next year. In addition, it’s the 30th anniversary of the iconic RV-6 design. We’d like to have a big reunion of these airplanes at Oshkosh. And, of course, there will be plenty of other highlights that you can only see at Oshkosh. Based on the momentum from this year’s fly-in, AirVenture 2016 is already one to eagerly anticipate!”