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Our experience in Sao Paulo for LABACE was both entertaining and successful


Our experience in Sao Paulo for LABACE was both entertaining and successful
Above Sao Paulo, Brazil

South America is a market we all know is huge.  The KingAir market specifically has greatly expanded in Brazil over the past decade or so.  Based on this, this year was the perfect time for KingAirNation to attend LABACE in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  With our launch only a few weeks prior at EAA’s AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI, the momentum has almost been overwhelming!

LABACE was a three day event and was the perfect setting to get the word out about KingAirNation.  Throughout the event KingAirNation connected with Maintenance shops, FBO’s, Aircraft Sales, Engine Repair and Overhaul shops, as well as KingAir performance companies.  Seeing or hearing about KingAirNation peaks the interest of enthusiasts and companies by itself, but getting to meet people face to face was very beneficial in actually showing them what we are trying to do.  We were able to receive some great feedback on what new members wanted to see and we are looking forward to implementing some of the ideas very soon.

We would like to thank our partners Blackhawk Modifications and BLR Aerospace for welcoming us at their exhibit and making our trip so entertaining.

We were able to confirm that the KingAir presence is indeed huge and growing in this region.  We are very excited about providing more information to Brazil and providing an avenue for anyone in this area to connect with other KingAir companies and enthusiasts.

Come check us out on Facebook www.facebook.com/KingAirNation or follow us on Twitter and Instagram @KingAirNation!