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Registration Still Available for King Air Gathering II (Sept.29th-30th)


Registration Still Available for King Air Gathering II (Sept.29th-30th)

Event organizer Kevin Carson has informed King Air Nation there are a few slots available for the King Air Gathering II taking place September 29th-30th at Stevens Aviation in Dayton, Ohio. Registration can be completed at the King Air Society website. Cost is $250 per attendee. According to the website, there is a requirement that attendees have an association (own, fly, maintain) with a King Air (N number and SN required).

Along with numerous booths featuring King Air related vendors, the event will feature many top-notch speakers. Dr. David Strahle will give the keynote presentation on Friday. The father of Datalink NEXRAD, Dr. Strahle will talk about utilizing the system for thunderstorm avoidance. Captain Robert “Hoot” Gibson will speak on Saturday; he flew 5 missions aboard the Space Shuttles CHALLENGER, COLUMBIA, ATLANTIS & ENDEAVOUR, once as Co-Pilot and 4 times as the Mission Commander. Other speakers include Tom Clements, Jack Braly, Paul Jones, Paul Sneden and Dean Benedict. A full breakdown of the speakers can be found here.

There will also be optional tours offered on the dates before and after the conference: a Hartzell Tour of the propeller factory (September 28th), and a visit to the Air Force Museum on Sunday (October 1st).

Schedule below: