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Tom Clements releases The King Air Book on Audible!


Tom Clements releases The King Air Book on Audible!
One of our esteemed speakers of the King Air Gathering, Tom Clements announced "The King Air Audiobook is now available on Amazon and Audible. It is 17+ hours of King Air knowledge, tips, techniques and 50 years of experience from Tom Clements."

A treasury of thirty-seven years of flying and teaching experience in the world's most popular executive aircraft, the Beechcraft King Air. No pilot or owner of a King Air should be without this insightful, educational, illuminating, and fun guide to the proper operation and care of this fine aircraft.

To buy online: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-King-Air-Book-Audiobook/B0DNRQRK7F?qid=1733172283&sr=1-1&ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=J8ADW6ENNR00HN4M0EE8&plink=p0wMIpuvBF878B6r&pageLoadId=n31xcYCNv7CwbTRJ&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1

Don't miss the opportunity at the 2025 King Air Gathering in Pheonix, AZ to meet and hear from Tom Clements! Find out more at https://kingairnation.com/gathering-2025/